Also a straight up pimp? |
There Colavito discusses Eberhard Zangger's idea that Troy, and it's fall, is the ground-source for the Atlantis mythos. Zangger ties this Atlantis-via-Troy idea up with 'secret and suppressed history' and ancient lines of kinds. So Aeneas meets the Davinci Code I guess.
The Luwians did it?
Here's Zangger's site promoting the idea. The other thing that gets distorted here is that the Luwian language---a real thing---is blown up into 'the Luwian people' These Luwians are part and parcel of the fall of Troy. Except they didn't exist. It's a language, but not a people, not like, say, German or Hittite, which were both languages and peoples.
This is an odd thing that lots of people seem to do, assuming a language group also represents an ethnic people and a culture. This isn't the case now, you don't need to be an Anglo practising the English culture just because you speak English. More people today speak English as a second language than as a primary language too. In the past this sort of thing would've also happened. So lots of people could be Luwian speakers without being 'the Luwians'.
So the Luwians, apparently, didn't do it.
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