Tuesday, January 09, 2007


For the intersession during the winter break, I had to.
  1. I need to contact Dr. Farmer over at Hofstra. (done)
  2. Prepare a new outline for a Thesis Proposal (done)
  3. Contact Dr. Forster at SUNY Stonybrook about her program (done)
  4. Complete SUNY Stonybrook PhD application.
  5. Prepare a draft cover-letter for new job applications.
  6. Pick 40 G. bulloides to later be analysed for Mg/Ca ratios from all of the 1H1W and 1H2W intervals.
I am waiting on any kind of response from Dr. Forster. I have to wonder at how they react to emails from people that they don't know, asking to work with them and asking about grant money. Seems like it would normally sound suspicious. Maybe I can pretend next time to be a Nigerian Bank Manager.   I suppose that they expect it to be part of the territory that comes with being a professor in a programme.
Outlining the a new proposal for my thesis went quicker than expected. Prof. Christensen had previously said that I should use her other student's theses and proposals as a way to structure it. But I hadn't done that. I tried it this time, and it sure was a lot more helpful.  The difficult part was deciding what sections to put everything into, but seeing that other students had just flat out broken it up into the study area, background on the techniques and science, and then an explanation of their method, was just a sensible way of laying it out. This should make the writing of it go quickly.
As far as cover letters and essays for applications, I have to get going on that.
Picking the samples has been a mixed experience. I focused on my previous picks from Jim's material, pulling out what I now recognize as G. bulloides.  I've gotten through all of 1085B 1H1W, and now just have 1H2W to go through.  After that though, I am going to need to either sieve some more material to get up to 40 G. bulloides for each point I want to sample down the core, or go through the rest of Jim's and see if there are any to get from there. I'll probably end up doing both.

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