QIAquick Gel Extraction Protocol
- Weight the gel slice in a tube, making note to subtract the weight of the tube itself.
- Add 3 volumes of Buffer QG to 1 volume of gel. For this experiment it will be 630 microliters and 480 microliters for the A and B gels respectively.
- Incubate at 50 degrees Celsiu for 15 minutes.
- After the gel discolces completely, (noting that the mixture is a yellow colour), add 1 gel volume of isopropanol to each sample and mix.
- Place the QIAquick spin colum in a 2ml collection tube and put sample in.
- Centrifuge for 1 minute to bind the DNA
- Discard flow-through and place QIAquick column back in teh same collection tube.
- Add 0.75 ml of Buffer PE to QIAquick column and centrifuge for 1 minute.
- Discard the flow-through and centrifuge thet QIAquick column for an additional minute, at 13,000 rpm.
- Place the QIAquick column into a clean 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube.
- Elute the DNA by adding 40 microliters of elution buffer to the center of the QIAquick column membrane. allow it to stand for 1 minute, then centrifuge for 1 minute.
2nd PCR Reaction Protocol
Into a single eppendorf tube, add via pipet:
- 40.5 microliters of H2O
- 1 microliter of Primer 1 ((the forward start primer)
- 1 microliter of Primer 2 (the reverse primer with teh stop codon)
- 1 microliter of dNTPs
- 1 microliter of the 10X PCR Buffer
- 1 microliter of Vent Polymerase
- 1 microliter of the template DNA from PCR A
- 1 microliter of the template DNA from PCR B
- Mix by pipeting 40 microliter volumes 2-3 times.
The toal volume should now be 51 microliters. Place this mixture into the PCR machine, set at 95 degrees Celsius. Then have one cycle of 5 minutes of denaturation at 95 degrees Celsius. Then have 30 repitions of this set:
- Denaturation at 95 degrees Celsius for 1 minute
- Annealing at 50 degress Celsisus for 1 minute
- Extension at 72 degress Celsisus for 1 minute
Followed by a single 10 minute extension at 72 degress Celsisus.
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