Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Malibu gone

So today my '03 Malibu had to be returned. I had thought that I was working with GMAC, I had thought that they were going to let me decide today even (though I was late returning my car after its smartbuy was up) whether to refinance the balloon payment OR get into a new lease. But apparently I thought wrong. They told me today, when I called them to say that I wasn't going to get a new vehicle and, rather, I would sign the contract that they had sent me to refinance the ballon payment, that they didn't want to do that, and that they're requiring me to turn it in to one of their dealers.
So now I have no car. This is wonderful. I had thought all those things because....thats what we'd do when I worked at GMAC, we'd work with people who were overdue on turning in their car, either have them sign an extension while they were trying to make a final decision, or try to get them to sign a new contract. And when I had spoken to the people at GMAC's Midland Center, I made it clear to them that I was trying to decide between the two options, but needed to wait for a certain ticket from my former GMAC co-workers that'd give me a discount on any new vehicle I got into. Later I got a phone call from someone from the Hartford branch, I explained the situation to him, and said I'd be able to get back to him by today either way. I thought everything was fine. Yesterday I get the ticket, contact a couple of dealers, and decided that it wasn't worth getting the new car. I call the guy from Hartford to let him know that I'm going to sign the contract for the refinance, and he tells me no. To turn the car in, now, or else its going to be re-possesed.
I argued with this idiot for a while. In the end, I had no choice but to turn it in, and now I don't have a car of my own. I suppose that its actualy in my favour. THe car was old at this point and had over 50K miles on it. It'd be a bad deal to have to pay around $12K for a 3-yo car with 50K miles on it. I'll have to pay an overmileage charge for part of that of course now also. But you'd think that the guy would prefer that I send in a check. The first payment for the refinancing wouldn't even be due until next month even. How much of a difference does it rationally make if I signed the contract 10 days ago or today, and then sent the first payment in next month??? Not a helluva lot.
And I offered to pay for an extension to cover the time between now and when it was due back, on top of signing the new 36 month refinancing contract. But no, apparently, that'd be against GMAC's interest. Unbeleivable.
So there's simply now way that I'm going to be getting any of the family of GM cars now. Even if other companies would do the same, they haven't done it to me, and if it ever did happen, hell, at least they wouldn't be doing it to a former co-worker. Half the people in that nitwit's office are 'refugees' from my old office too. Apparently it counts for nothing. Heck, he even went so far as to say that 'I should know better then because I worked for GMAC'. Well when I worked for GMAC getting cars that were past maturity and overdue, we'd actually do stuff that made sense. This moron couldn't do anything other than say that the car in his que has to be returned.