I've started the TA position, and its pretty hectic. I was told at first that I'd have 3 lab periods, and then a few days before I was told I'd have 2 labs a week. But then it turns out that there are 4 labs a week,, everyday in the late afternoon except Friday. On Friday I need to come in to prepare for the labs on the following week. They're around 3 hours each, and the prep on Friday can take a few hours on its own.
The Thursday Lab actually conflicts with my Marine Geology class, which starts at 6, but the Lab Professor, who is the Head of the Biology Department, is ok with me leaving for that class. Infact, often the labs end a little bit early.
For my research, I need to still pick the samples for the Mg:Ca analysis, and then prep them at the Hofstra Lab. I should hear back from Hofstra soon as to when I can some in and do that, and picking the samples shouldn't take more than one session at the microscope.